WREN Insurance Network
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Are you on Medicare or will be soon?  Wonder what Parts A, B, C or D cover or cost?   Confused by all the choices and plans?  Concerned you're paying too much for your Supplemental insurance?  

We offer a full review of your Medicare benefits and help you make the best choice for you - all at no cost nor obligation! 
WREN Insurance Network Services
At WREN Insurance Network, we strive to educate our customers, so they can make informed decisions for their unique needs. We are also available to provide educational seminars to groups of two to two hundred.  Our staff members are professional, courteous and entertaining.
1-2-1 Insurance Review
Did you know that Life Insurance costs have DECREASED 56% in the past 15 years?  Or that you can often take the cash value of a policy and get twice the amount of coverage for no additional premium? 

We offer a full review and analysis of your current policies and provide alternatives that can save you money or increase your coverage or both!  All at no cost or obligation to you!
Educational Seminars
Are you a member of a group or organization that is looking to learn more about Medicare or Annuities or Life Insurance or Loving-Tender Care?  

We provide seminars on these and other timely topics.  Just let us know when and where, and we'll provide a short, entertaining lecture on the topic of your choice.  We'll even bring the donuts (or snacks) all at no cost to you or your group!
The ABC's and D's of Medicare
Retirement Analyzer
As a consumer today, you have many responsibilities. First and foremost, you must do what’s best for you and your family, while protecting yourself financially. Let’s face it, in the current economic environment there is a lot of confusion with regard to financial strategies. Interestingly, many people have no idea what it takes to maintain their standard of living in their retirement years.

The new service we're offering to you provides a detailed look at your retirement picture. Your report will help show: 

Can I continue my present standard of living into my retirement years?
When can I retire without running out of money?
How could my situation change during turbulent economic times?  
How would it affect my family if I die prematurely?
How would it affect my family if I enter a nursing facility?
What are the possible solutions if my situation changes? 

We invite you to make an appointment to view this informative analysis. This service is regularly $250, but with a coupon, FREE.  You will receive a personalized retirement analysis.  We look forward to meeting with you.

College Planning Resources
NEW Service!

WREN College Planning Resources is the newest service to be added to the WREN Network.   It came about as a result of looking to the future when our grandchildren will be going to college. We realized the cost could be astronomical and far out of the reach of our children. 

We set out to find the best way to plan for their education. Our research brought us to CPR – College Planning Relief® and Scott Moffitt. The more we learned, the more we realized the value of Mr. Moffitt's organization and knowledge and the need to bring it to the Charlotte area. 

After an extensive certification process, we are on our way to helping each student attain their dream of a college education, without jeapordizing their parent's current lifestyle or future retirement.