The Trail Continues! : WREN Agent Hiking Appalachian Trail
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The Trail Continues!

by Thomas Larkin on 06/24/13

Wednesday, June 12, 2013:

I met Alex Wiatt 3 weeks ago when he was on his annual AT reunion hike with his army buddies. They've been hiking segments of the AT for more than a dozen years. Alex invited us to visit him at his home in Elkton so we took advantage of his offer. Picked up at Swift Run Gap for a relaxing day, dinner, showers, and a great night's sleep in a bed. Alex and Karen own a beautifully renovated 100+ year old home. We only hiked 6 miles today, but the therapy was worth it. On Thursday Alex drove us back to Swift Run Gap where we slack packed 7 miles to Lewis Mtn campground where Karen picked us up and brought us to Big Meadows Lodge where we would spend the night in a nice cabin and wait for my wife Linda.

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