No Post from Dave today - so we have Tripper's (Linda's) post!
by Thomas Larkin on 03/21/13
Dave is out of range of a cell tower, so couldn't send a post today. So we've posted his wife's comments from last Sunday and Monday:
On Sunday, we checked in at the visitors center at the base of Springer Mountain. David registered for the thru hike - all the way to Maine. To get to the start of the trail, you can hike up the 8 miles from here, or drive (narrow, bumpy, scary, dirt road) to the parking lot a mile from the start
at the from top of Springer Mountain. We found a spot for a picnic next to the Amicolola Water Falls. There are about 700 steps and bridges from the visitors center to the top of the falls. The approach trail to the top of Springer Mountain is just above the falls.
We then drove (on said narrow, bumpy, scary dirt road) the 10 miles to the parking lot. The weather was beautiful, so we strapped on our packs, and hiked the mile in to the start of the trail where David could sign the book at the top. Next photo is David (I mean CABO) sitting on the rock marking the start. Good thing we did this, too, cause next morning was all mist and fog. Last 2 photos are of Cabo as he hits the trail...he said he would be riding off into the sunset - but it's more like disappearing into the mist.
(My trail name - as I have now hiked to the top of Springer Mountain - am a travel agent - and always manage at least one spill on every trip I take!)
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