Mt. Katahdin, Maine
by Thomas Larkin on 06/24/13Paul shuttled 4 of us to the Katadin Stream Campground to register with the Baxter Park authorities. I began my ascent of the 5k ft peak at 8;00am. The weather was perfect and the trail conditions excellent. Although the round trip would only be 10 miles it felt like 20 on my body. I'm sure glad I had 2 days rest and recovery prior to this climb. Sections of this trail were easy, some rocky, some steep, some climbing rock faces,... A big variety. This was a challenging and fun hike. I met several people that were heading southbound which I'm sure to run across again. After the hike I set up my tent in the Campground, fixed a nice warm dinner and settled in for the night with my newly met hiker friend from Blacksburg, Shawn. Tomorrow Southbound. According to Linda, Cabo now stands for CArolina BOund.