Grouse Attack! : WREN Agent Hiking Appalachian Trail
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Grouse Attack!

by Thomas Larkin on 07/03/13

Tuesday, June 25, 2013:

Hiked a short but demanding 8 miles to East Branch Lean-to through the same strenuous conditions as the day before. I was surprised by a grouse that ran at me from off the trail. Apparently she had built her nest nearby. In an effort to protect it she feigned an attack, puffing herself up, spreading her wings to look bigger and clicking angrily. After getting my attention she proceeded to lead me off in the opposite direction from where she came. Stayed in the shelter with two Maine section hikers named Robin and Brian from Bangor- nice guys. Built large comforting fires that kept the bugs away. Shelob who climbed Katahdin in the same group with me tented with us.

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