Another beautiful day in the Appalachians! : WREN Agent Hiking Appalachian Trail
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Another beautiful day in the Appalachians!

by Thomas Larkin on 04/04/13

Wednesday, April 3, 2013:

Another beautiful day in the Appalachians! Left the very special Aquino Hostel this AM after a wonderful breakfast of coffee, waffles, cantaloupe and coffee. Strapped on 40 lbs of backpack and headed for Nantahala Outdoor Center (NOC). Helicopters Gap to NOC - 8 miles in 3.5 hrs- over 2 mph; not bad. Tomorrow starts out with a 3,300 ft. ascent of Cheoah Bald over a 7 mile distance. This may be tough in the rain. Anyway, I am pushing it and setting my sights on a 13 mile day- early start, late finish- in Stecoa Gap. I'm including a pis of what was a beautiful view from the Weser Bald tower. I hope it does justice to the real deal.

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