6/14- Friday- Linda's Arrival- and 6/15- Saturday : WREN Agent Hiking Appalachian Trail
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6/14- Friday- Linda's Arrival- and 6/15- Saturday

by Thomas Larkin on 06/24/13

Friday and Saturday, June 14 and 15, 2013:

Ron  and I knocked out 17 miles from Big Meadows to Hwy US211 ( Luray ). Linda took us into town to resupply and we returned to Big Meadows for a nice Dinner and good night’s rest. The terrain was pretty easy and the views of the valley were spectacular.  The weather was cool and clear for a change and we were at our peak performance. 

On Saturday 6/15  Linda checked us out of the Big Meadows Cabin and into a cabin at Skyland Resort. Ron decided to continue on and camped at the Matthews Arm Campground. The good news for the past few days is that we were able to slack pack several segments allowing our legs to recover  as well as knock greater than average mileage.  The terrain in the Shenandoah is fairly level compared to parts farther south, so we used this to increase our distance.

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